March 2021
QUERI Highlights Implementation and Evaluation Science Optimizing Healthcare ResourcesOptimizing healthcare resources that address Veterans' complex needs requires more effective and efficient coordination within and across VA and community providers. In partnership with multi-level stakeholders, QUERI is deploying and evaluating implementation and quality improvement strategies to optimize the use of healthcare resources across VA. QUERI centers focusing on this issue include the following. Dynamic Diffusion Network QUERI aims to expand evidence-based practice among later adopters of innovations in diabetes, and moral injury for affected Veterans.
EHRM Partnership Integrating Rapid Cycle Evaluation to Improve Cerner Implementation (EMPIRIC) QUERI aims to improve VA’s electronic health record modernization (EHRM) by ensuring that it is informed by frontline clinician and staff experiences.
Evaluation of a National VA Organizational Structure Redesign is working to provide timely feedback to guide the redesign of the national clinical services organizational structure.
Innovators Network – Population Factors, Organizational Capacity, Workflow and Resources (INPOWR) QUERI works to inform and improve the ongoing implementation of the VHA Innovators Network (iNET), which teaches and trains VA employees on innovation-related competencies, creates an innovation development pathway, and supports the Diffusion of Excellence – one of the iNet’s signature programs that helps identify and disseminate best practices.
Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) QUERI trains frontline VA providers to utilize clinical applications of POCUS in VA’s commitment to zero harm to patients. Thus far, POCUS QUERI has trained more than 300 VA providers from over 38 VA medical centers nationwide that use POCUS to benefit an estimated 130,000 Veterans annually.
QUERI FLOW3—Diffusion of Excellence Gold Status Practice—works to standardize the acquisition of prosthetic limbs within VA. Thus far, in excess of 800 employees are trained in FLOW3, and it has affected more than 6,682 Veterans.